This is the beginning, one of many trigger events to come between now and 2013. An ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in the universe will cross paths with the Earth on this day.
Earth will remain approximately within this UV beam for 17 hours. This UV beam comes into full affect for 17 hrs on the 17th of October 2006 .
No matter what time zone you are in the hours are approximately:
* 10:17 am on October 17th
* To 1:17 am on October 18th.
* The peak time will be 17:10 ( 5:10 pm ) on the 17th October.
This beam resonates with the heart chakra, it is radiant fluorescent in nature, blue/magenta in colour. Although it resonates in this frequency band it is above our known colour frequency spectrum. However, it will have an enormous effect.
The effect is every thought and emotion will be amplified intensely one million-fold. Yes, we will repeat, all will be amplified one million time and more.Every thought, every emotion, every intent, every will, no matter if it is good, bad, ill, positive, negative, will be amplified one million times in strength.
What does this mean ?
Since all matter manifest is due to your thoughts, i.e. what you focus on, this beam will accelerate these thoughts and solidify them at an accelerated rate making them manifest a million times faster than they normally would.
For those that do not comprehend. Your thoughts, what you focus on create your reality. This UV beam thus can be a dangerous tool. For if you are focused on thoughts which are negative to your liking they will manifest into your reality almost instantly. Then again this UV beam can be a gift if you choose it to be.
We are trying to get approximately one million people to focus on positive, benign, good willed thoughts for themselves and the Earth and Humanity on\this day. Remember, the peak time will be 17:10 ( 5:10 pm ) on the 17th October, no matter what time zone you are in.
You do not need to be in a meditative state through out this time, though would be beneficial. Perhaps at this time if you can find a peaceful spot or location to focus.
Your thoughts can be of any nature of your choosing, but remember whatever you focus on will be made manifest in a relatively faster than anticipated time frame. To some the occurrences may almost be bordering on the miracle.
All we ask is positive thoughts of love, prosperity, healing, wealth, kindness, gratitude be focused on.
This is a gift, a life line from your universe so to speak, an answer to your prayers. What you do with it and whether or not you choose to participate is your choice.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
The 8th and 9th of August: The 8:8:8 Harmonic and the Full Moon
This will be a powerful period indeed. The 8:8:8 "harmonic" is a vortex of pure energy that holds a powerful archetypal imprint that is made available to all those on the planet. The archetype of the 8 is PERSONAL POWER - the essence of the I AM within each person. The conjunction of this Harmonic with the Lion's Gate Energy creates a powerful moment for Personal and Planetary empowerment.
The 8:8:8 is also what we would call a "Time Gate" or "Time Lock". It allows you as individuals to access fully your Past and Future self in the Present Moment as you experience the entirety of your "I AM" presence. Wherever you will find yourself physically at that time will be a power point for you. It is an opportunity to consciously integrate all that you Are and hold the balance, for yourself and the planet as part of your Lightwork.
The "Spirit" Lions that guard the portal of the Lion's Gate were known in ancient Egypt as the Lions of "Yesterday" and "Tomorrow". Enter in between the guardians of the Past and the Future, and fully claim your I AM power - NOW. This will give you great strength on your journey forward.
Then, on the 9th of August, this energy will be amplified by the energies of the Full Moon. The rising Moon will be in Aquarius, with the setting Sun in Leo. The energy of Aquarius is governed by Uranus, that planet of sudden shifts and changes. You can harness that energy to accelerate the transformation for PEACE as humanity stands at the threshold of the Age of Aquarius, or the Golden Age of Peace. You are planting the seeds for the Coming Age in your work right now!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
The Energies For August 2006 ~ The Fire Goddess Comes
Dearest Lightworkers, you have indeed reached a pivotal moment of Global choice in your current journey of Light. You can feel it, many can feel it, as the wars in the Middle East focus Global attention on the issues of war and peace.
Indeed, these events occur in a powerful time for your Planet. The New Year begins, the Sirius Star Gate opens into the Harmonic of the 8:8:8 on the 8th of August and is followed by the energy of the Full Moon on the next day. The gate remains open until the 12th of August. Then, on the 13th of August, Venus transits into the fifth house of Leo, governed by the Sun and the element of Fire. The Fire Goddess Comes - the energy of the Solar Feminine floods the planet.
The fiery energy of the Divine Feminine in her manifestation as Sekmet, the lioness, has been felt on the planet in recent weeks, but now, the Fire Goddess flames forth in the fiery and intense energy of Leo. She will transit through Leo in the month of August, following the path of the Sun and creating intense and fiery energy. On the 27th of August she will cross paths with Saturn at 14 degrees of Leo. This will be a pivotal date, for at that time her energy will be under pressure to transform and change as a result of the close conjunction with Saturn.
At that point, dearest Lightworkers, the Planetary Collective will choose between continuing on the current path that will lead to continued destruction, or transmuting the energy into Global Peace and Harmony. Whatever seeds are planted at this time will grow and flourish in the next year. We cannot stress enough how important it is NOW to hold the vision of Global Peace. Pray for Peace, Meditate for Peace - create that miracle! Feel that Peace deep within yourself and your heart and believe in it totally and completely. Hold the Vision and the intention for the Highest Possible Outcome - Global Peace - starting in the Middle East.
But we can also say to you now, that in the last few months you have struggled in your own lives, and you have felt tired and angry and lost and maybe even depressed, and you have said to us: "Where is the Joy that was promised in this journey of Ascension?". Well, we can reply to you now, dearest Lightworkers, that in your own personal lives you have been working with the energy of the Fire Goddess or Divine Solar Feminine to burn away and transmute all that is not Peace. And now you are ready to emerge into Peace and Joy, and to carry the radiant Divine Solar Feminine energy of Hathor, the Goddess of Beauty and Joy! And as you have worked in your own lives, so you have created an energetic template or model for the Collective Consciousness to make the same choice. So while we implore you to continue to hold the energy and intention of Global Peace, we can also say that much of the work has already been done by you. This is the culmination. Hold your energy and your intention and focus - and so you will create the Miracle that you seek on your planet now!
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